Monday 9th September 2024
Every Monday evening from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
33 weeks include exams
£385.00 excluding assessment fees of £125 (payable at time of assessment) = £510 total
Level 1 classes now FULL of two groups
Payment Options: Available to pay 10 months in instalments at no extra cost
British Sign Language (BSL) Level 1 Course
This qualification is designed to teach learners to communicate with Deaf people in British Sign Language (BSL) on a range of topics that involve simple, everyday language use. They will gain basic skills and confidence in production and reception of BSL.
To introduce yourself and others using BSL
Learn, understand and use simple sentences in BSL
Learn to finger spell places, names and objects
Learn to describe events
Understand and learn numbers, including prices and times
Discover everyday topics and learn to discuss them using BSL
Engage in simple BSL conversations
Fully accredited by Signature to achieve your BSL level 1 certificate
Ideal for beginners who want to learn BSL
Friendly teaching with PowerPoint presentations, handouts, online resources on a weekly basis (term-time) plus free advice when required.
No entry requirements, just a will and enthusiasm to learn!
Students will be expected to undertake self-study and complete homework
Ideal For Those
Who wish to discover and understand the basics of BSL
Who work/volunteer (or seeking to) with Deaf or hard of hearing people
Seeking to learn a new language
Looking to broaden their communication skills
Learn well with visual teaching methods
Level 1 BSL consists of 3 units
BSL 101
Introduction to BSL
To achieve this unit, learners must show they can understand and use basic language in everyday situations. You can meet and greet, understand basic conversation and numbers, give and follow simple directions and information.
BSL 102
Conversational BSL
This unit allows the learner to show both productive and receptive skills, and understand a range of topics. It allows the learner to demonstrate that they can use a limited range of signs and handle simple exchanges
BSL 103
Communicate in BSL about Everyday Life
To achieve this unit, learners must show they can understand and use a limited range of vocabulary and can follow simple sentences and structures in BSL about everyday life. They can be understood and can understand standard signing, with facial expressions, signing space and placement.